Graubünden: A Very Small Taste of Swiss #Vanlife

FullSizeRender 3.jpgAfter two weeks of living in a 35-degree apartment — that’s 95 degrees Fahrenheit, for my American readers — Guillaume and I were desperate for one blissful, sweat-free night. So we rented a jeep, drove across Geneva to the canton of Graubünden and celebrated our wedding anniversary in bright red camper van perched on top of a mountain that I found on Airbnb. Sipping rosé and taking in the gorgeous view of the valley below in the crisp mountain air, we knew we had made the right call. And when we woke up at 6am absolutely freezing because we had left all of the camper windows open, we weren’t even cranky. Oh what a joy it was to be cold again!

Although the camper was definitely the highlight of the weekend — especially after dark, when the Milky Way appeared sparkling directly above our heads — we also had a lovely time exploring Caumasee on Saturday afternoon. We parked our car in the town in Flims, walked roughly 15 minutes to reach the trail and then spent another 20 minutes walking downhill to the lake. Lake Cauma itself (Caumasee in German) was way more built up than the solitary experience we expected from Instagram, but its turquoise water was still beautiful. We rented a rowboat and tried to weave our way through the many swimmers, at one point nearly plowing through two paddle boarders in our blindspot.

On Sunday, we decided to drive to the nearby ski resort of St. Moritz and were blown away by the Scotland-like landscapes along the drive. We passed a group of bell-wielding cows along the switchback road up the mountain, reminding us that we were indeed still in Switzerland. Once we arrived in St. Moritz, we had a delicious pizza lunch complete with an Aperol spritz before walking along the lake. At first, St. Moritz didn’t seem to be as posh as we had expected, but then we drove downtown and spotted the Aston Martin dealership and came around. Fun fact: St. Moritz has a crooked tower that is supposedly even more crooked than the Leaning Tower of Pisa (which we visited in 2016). Check out the last photo!

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